The Box arena, also knows as the The Box Breakin arena, The Box Competitive Breakin arena and the Box Battle arena is a concept with years of data and research. First used in 2011 in Washington DC. The first Box was created with blue painters tape. What you see above is the current editions. The box is the Competitive Breaking Sport. It has a set of rules such as: Step out, a deduction of points and standard sizes for amateur and professionals. The concept has an application scoring system created. in 2012 and provides reports for judges and athletes.
Created by Antonio Castillo who coined the term Competitive Breaking in 2014.
Competitive Breaking would become the framework and foundation for the future of the sport.
The copyrighted criteria:
Are how athletes win or lose.
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The Competitive Breakin' League™ grew out of The Lab DC, a school dedicated to Breakin' as a sport and art form. It all began when The Lab began to hold Breakin' tournaments for kids. Slowly over time, a set of rules was written and slowly it began to evolve into the sport you see today. The CBL has a set of rules and regulations, a professional scoring system for the Competitive Breakin' Sport and an application system. The copywriter criteria and rule book is constantly evolving with the times as the level of Breakin' rises.
The CBL holds regional competitions within the United States to qualify Top Breakers for the Competitive Breakin' Championships at Rock the Box USA (RTBUSA).
Quote " The rules and regulations are a product of years of testing, mostly trial and error to identify a fair and practical method to organize and provide feedback to competitors. The foundation is education and that is what makes it special." Antonio Castillo, creator

About: Established in 2013
Organizing local Competitive Breakin' (Competitive Breaking) competition for kids, teen and adults.
Founder: Antonio Castillo
CBL created a concept of Breakin' as a competitive sport. To include: Point system, an arena and a set of rules.